Bagia Antonio's profile

The Gaming Corner

The Gaming Corner Series

Inspired by the landscapes of Azeroth and the amazing lore of World of Warcraft. The series is trying to capture the beauty of the gaming world. A world of magic and fantasy, a world of epic battles and serene landscapes. A world that is a refuge for the gamers mind. So take a step with me in the plains of Nagrand in the ancient elven forest of Quel'thalas or in the rough landscapes of Argus where we will fight the Burning Legion. 

‘’No life is worth living if we cannot be true to our nature’’ 
-Baine Bloodhoof

Technique: acrylic painting, digital painting, photo bash, photomanipulation. 
Style: fantasy landscaping, 3d character design, gaming art 
Inspiration source: World Of Warcraft



The Timeless Isle, so named because it exists in a state of perpetual sunset, was once a place of great reverence for the pandaren. It was here that trials of wisdom, hope, strength, and fortitude took place in front of the great Celestials... where warriors and aspiring leaders would show their willingness to walk in the footsteps of the great Emperor, Shaohao. As a testament to their goal of achieving balance in all things, the pandaren monks even existed in harmony with the nearby Yaungol, worshippers of the fiery demigod Ordos.
    -   Inspired by World Of Warcraft – Mist of Pandaria -

-photo bash / digital illustration
Made with Wacom in Photoshop


In the eastern heart of the Jade Forest, the races of Pandaria maintain a temple to the Jade Serpent, a venerable spirit of wisdom and foresight. Here, overlooking Pandaria's coast, the myriad races of the continent come to meditate for insight or peruse the living archives of the temple's library, where Pandaria's history is literally brought to life. The temple is particularly sacred to the fish-like jinyu, who use its scrying pool to serve as their eyes and ears throughout the continent.
During the War of the Ancients shortly before the Great Sundering, the newly crowned Emperor Shaohao trapped the Sha of Doubt at the Temple of the Jade Serpent.

- Inspired by World Of Warcraft – Mist of Pandaria-
- Text from

-photo manipulation / photo bash / digital illustration
Done with Wacom in Photoshop


Ardenweald, Forest of the Night Fae, sometimes referred to as just the weald, is a realm of the Shadowlands founded by the Winter Queen and inhabited by the Night Fae Covenant. An enchanted, mystical forest of rest and hibernation, Ardenweald is where Wild Gods and other spirits of nature travel upon death. Giant dream trees across the forest draw in anima, which is then used by the Night Fae to rejuvenate the spirits as they slumber inside wild seeds and prepare them to be reborn into the world of the living
Location: Shadowlands

Digital Art   – Digital hybrid art


Elwynn, is a vast woodland of stately hardwoods nestled just below the foothills of the Burning Steppes. Elwynn is a gorgeous span of fertile land and thick forests. The weather is sunny and cheerful during the day and silent and peaceful at night. Unlike Duskwood, it is close enough to Stormwind to enjoy considerable Alliance guardianship.
Location: Easter Kindgdoms
Status: Alliance Territory

 – Digital Painting 
Made with Wacom in Photoshop


Talador is the heart of Draenor. It rests at the crossroads of the continent, divided by rivers that flow from the Sea of Zangar and enable marine trade and movement from east to west. Talador is the sanctuary of the draenei people. At its heart rests Shattrath City, the great metropolis, and the spiritual well of Auchindoun, where the souls of departed draenei reside.

- Text from
- Inspired by World Of Warcraft - Warlords of  Draenor

-Night Elf Hunter-  

Night elves (or kaldorei, for "children of the stars" in Darnassian),are a powerful and mystical race whose origins extend back to ancient times, being one of the longest-lived and most ancient cultures in existence today. These then-immortal beings were among the first to study magic and let it loose throughout the world nearly ten thousand years before the First War. The founders of a magical and advanced civilization which at its peak spanned the breadth of ancient Kalimdor, the night elves came into a horrific conflict with the Burning Legion but achieved a Pyrrhic victory that ended in the Great Sundering, turning Kalimdor's landmass into the continents of the present age. The devastation wrought by the chain of events birthed in conceit caused a wholesale shift in direction. Until very recently, the night elves abandoned and completely outlawed the use of arcane magic, fearing its use would draw the Legion back to their world.


-Inspired by World Of Warcraft
-Made with Wacom in Photoshop
🖼️photo manipulation art

★Model from:

Blood Elf  Priest

For thousands of years, the high elves of Quel'Thalas drew strength from the Sunwell, a magical font of arcane energies. An invasion by the undead Scourge decimated the kingdom's population and deprived them of the Sunwell's might. Taking the name blood elves – or sin’dorei in their own tongue –the people of Quel’Thalas sated their magical thirst for a time with demonic fel energies. Once the Sunwell was restored, the blood elves worked to rebuild their homeland and help lead the Horde into a bold future.

- Text from
- Inspired by World Of Warcraft


-Made in Photoshop with Wacom
🖼️  photo-manipulation art

The Forsaken
Undead Rogue

Bound to the iron will of the tyrant Lich King, the vast Undead armies of the Scourge seek to eradicate all life on Azeroth. Led by the Banshee Sylvanas Windrunner, a group of renegades broke away from the Scourge and freed themselves of the Lich King's domination. Known by some as the Forsaken, this group fights a constant battle not only to retain its freedom from the Scourge, but also to slaughter those who would hunt them as monsters. With Sylvanas as their Banshee Queen, the Forsaken have built a dark stronghold beneath the ruins of Lordaeron's former capital city. This hidden Undercity forms a sprawling labyrinth that stretches beneath the haunted woods of Tirisfal Glades
- Text from intro undead quest - WoW Vanilla

Location: Tirisfal Glades
Inspired by World Of Warcraft

-Made in Photoshop with Wacom
🖼️  photo-manipulation art
3D model by:

Blood Elf Demon Hunter

Illidan: You wish to know the difference between the demons and us? They will stop at nothing to destroy our world.
-And we will sacrifice everything to save it.
Illidan: The Legion will know of this victory, and they will fear you, my Illidari. Now, you ARE PREPARED!

Location: ARGUS – Home Planet of the Burning Legion
Inspired by World Of Warcraft – Legion Expansion

Dark Iron Dwarf
- Warrior-

Known for their fiery tempers and fierce determination, Dark Iron dwarves have a turbulent history with the other clans. A failed coup in Ironforge ignited the War of the Three Hammers, and many of the Dark Iron once fought in the service of Ragnaros the Firelord. Though one faction of the dwarves is pledged to Queen-Regent Moira Thaurissan, others refuse to stand alongside their kin. The Alliance seeks a united Dark Iron clan to harness the power of Azerite and aid their struggle against the Horde.

Location: IronForge

-Inspired by World Of Warcraft
-Made with Wacom in Photoshop
🖼️photo manipulation art

★Model from:…u
★Landscape by:…

The Waking Shores

The Waking Shores are a zone on the Dragon Isles and the ancestral home of the red and black dragonflights. A wild, untamed land rife with elemental magic, the Waking Shores are the first zone that players see when they arrive to the Isles with a joint Explorers' League-Reliquary expedition. In the zone there are gorlocs
The Waking Shores fell dormant after the dragonflights left their homeland ten thousand years ago. Now, with Azeroth's world-soul revitalized, the awesome primal might of the Shores stirs anew, rousing the dragons' ancient allies and age-old enemies from their long millennia of slumber. This land is stirring with the reawakening of elemental energies. Long ago, the elements were present in their most primal, unfettered form; however, the resurgence of magic in the Dragon Isles has caused that energy to reawaken


- Text from
-  Inspired by World Of Warcraft - Drangonflight



Haustvald is a vast stone complex in eastern Stormheim used by the vrykul to perform sacred rituals or ceremonies. The location is one of the most important in the region for Stormheim's vrykul, and serves as the home of the Bonespeakers cult. The site is located beside the Runewood and the Field of Fallen Kings, carved as it is directly into a large cliff face.
Haustvald serves as one of the very few access points to the realm of Helheim, the domain of  Helya, which can be reached through a portal in the heart of the complex.

- Text from
- Inspired by World Of Warcraft - Legion


Maldraxxus, home of the Necrolords Covenant, is a war-torn zone, with its denizens shaped by eternal war. Maldraxxus is full of bones, large fungal growths, slime pools, and other environments only the brave and hardy would dare breach. It is home to wicked beings like necromancers and abominations, but not everyone here is evil. Relentless, warlike souls who never yield and are willing to strive against one another for greatness are welcomed here by the necrolords, and the greatest of them are reformed by necromancers into undead soldiers who defend the Shadowlands from external forces and wage war on the enemies of death.

Location: Shadowlands

photomanipulation / digital painting
Made with Wacom in Photoshop


Long ago the majestic  elves claimed Eversong Woods. Eventually naming themselves the High Elves, they established the kingdom of Quel'Thalas. The High Elves cultivated a shining magical kingdom deep within the forests of northern Lordaeron. The northern Eversong contained the heart of their empire for millennia. Although the woods have seen their share of battle, the region retained a harmonic and peaceful feel for much of its history, standing strong for over 7000 years, until the attack of The Scourge.
 -Inspired by  World Of Warcraft

- photo bash 

The Barrens
The Crossroads

The Barrens was once a verdant, thriving forest tended to by the kaldorei. It is said that during the War of the Ancients, the demigod Lo'Gosh confronted the Burning Legion in the lush land that later became the Barrens. Later, when the orcs under the new Warchief Thrall and Darkspear trolls, landed on the Barrens, it saw civilization anew. Thrall reunited his warriors scattered on the shore, and then helped the Bloodhoof Tauren at their village. The Tauren crossed the Barrens into Mulgore, while Thrall led the Horde to  Durotar. There; he will establish the Horde capital; Ogrimmar.
    -        From wowpedia.


Durotar, the land named after Thrall's father, Durotan lies on the eastern coast of Kalimdor. It borders the Northern Barrens to the west and the coastal lands of Azshara to the north. The land of Durotar is rocky, and the soil is cracked and red, not unlike the orcs' homeland of Draenor. The land has many crags and canyons, where dangerous creatures take residence. It is a harsh land to survive in, very dry and hot, and the vegetation is sparse. The orcs, however, see a harsh beauty in the land. Durotar is a proving ground for young orcs, who are sent to the Valley of Trials to complete several rites of passage before they are considered fit for the challenges that lie ahead.

Location: Kalimdor / Azeroth
Status: Horde Territory

The Gaming Corner


The Gaming Corner
